Sunday, September 2, 2012

1st week of Homeschool

This Monday we started our Homeschool year. Each day boys learn Math (right now it is Geometry and they have learned about points, lines, planes. They practiced to measure figures length in cm and inches. The most interesting and hard topics were  interception of planes and lines and precision. But boys were studying good and understood good.
For Science we choose Living Life and read about cells of plants and animals, about classification. For Unel was interesting also to read about Ocelot. He loves wild cats and likes to read about them. Science was two times a week.
Ones a week we had History and Geography lessons. At History lesson we study about Early American History. Kids make their notebooks and timeline. Sons chose their states on next week to study about geography of USA. Later I will give links of resources we use for 50 States study.
Next week we re going to study Ants and make Lapbook about it.